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The unwavering support of our patrons, community businesses and organizations  have allowed us to feature world-class performers since 1934! Our continuing success is made possible because of the season subscriptions that are purchased and the support we receive from our audience. We take this moment to say THANK YOU to you, our Sponsors, Patrons, Individuals and Companies for your very generous donations and contributions!


We add a special THANK YOU to the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts,  Hershey Foods Corporation who for the 8th year is underwriting the costs associated with involving young people in our concerts… Dr. Chris Seda who again assists in providing concert inserts… the Cedar Foundation who assist in arrangements for the Patron/Sponsor concert… and those Anonymous Donors who help keep our season subscriptions at a cost affordable for all!


We invite you to be part of this generous group by contacting us at P.O. Box 782, Lebanon, PA 17042 for more information or clicking the Donate tab.  LCCCA is a tax-exempt, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization – all patron contributions are tax deductible. Donations of over $250 are acknowledged with a written receipt.


LCCCA is extremely grateful for the generosity of the following...

Conductor’s Circle (Over $1,000)

Cornwall Manor

Dr. Christopher A. Seda, DPM

Hershey Foods Corporation

Masonic Village at Elizabethtown

Pennsylvania Council on the Arts

Maestro ($500 - $999)

Baltimore Life Insurance

George & Carol Hollich

Joseph & Sandra Mesics

Arranger ($250 - $499)

Nancy Basselgia 

Dr. Mark Kostow

Londonderry Village

Chris & Margaret Sowers

Composer ($100 - $249)

Bryan & Nancy Albright
Jim and Betsy Allwein
Phillip & JoAnn Baker

Balsbaugh Insurance
Donna L. Barrall
Greg & Jean Boyer
James & Susan Brimmer
Richard Carty & Karen Walker
Shirley Corbett

Kathy & David Crocker
Ruth Dierwechter
Joyce Dissinger
Mark & Dorothy Dutchess

Frances Ebersole
Dorothy Ecklund

Isabel Eckman
Connie Ensminger
Phil & Judy Feather
Rowena Fink
Ted & Susan Fisher
Barbara Flashel
Peter & Anne Flowers
Ronald & Deborah Follett
James & Joanne Foltz
Charles & Marilyn Gerberich, Sr.
Samuel & Joyce Groh
Anna Mae Grubb
Brian & Brenda Hartman

Ricky Herb
Katherine & Warren Hoopes
Maxine G. Hornberger
Kent & Cheryl Jones

Sherry Kalbach
Shirley & Marvin Kleinfelter
George & Angeline Kohlweiler
Keith & Sue Kreamer
Carl & Jacqueline Light
Barry & Miriam Light
Robert & Shirley Long

Sheryl Lutz-Snyder

Marilyn Lydic

William & Brenda Martin

Charles & Susan McCormick

Jeffrey & Joy Meck
Bonnie & Craig Miller

Diane Miller
Raymond & Kathryn Moser
Dr. & Mrs. M. Nazeeri
Joy & John Nesbitt
Carol Orts
Terry & Barbara Oxenreider
Robert & Nancy Pelak
Ralph & Joyce Redinger
Cynthia Rhoad
Gretchen Rohland
Ronald & Lorraine Royer
Stanley & Linda Sandoe
Richard A. Schappell
David & Anna Schell
Anne & Bill Schreiber
Bryan & Henrietta Seese
Dennis & Karen Shalters
H.Lee & Carolyn Southall
Geoffrey & Joan Sowers
Olga & Harold Stoner

Darlene Swab & George Klinger
George & Karen Templin
Albertine Washington
Elizabeth Wentling
Pamela & David Wentling
John & Ellen Whitmoyer
Bruce & Janet Wieder
Brenda Wiscount
Dara & Eddie Wolfe, Jr.
Alan & Judith Wood
James & Doris Work
Peter & Diane Zanias
Marie & Ken Zimmerman

Soloist ($30 - $99)

Cathie J. Ambron

Carol Achenbach

Anonymous (2)
Joanne Anspach
John & Shirley Bare
Cheryl Bates
Nancy Becker
Nancy & Raymond Betz
Mary Jane Bickel

Ronald & Sandra Bixler
Mary K. Blouch
Sandra L. Boehmer
Sue Bowman
Patricia & Herb Braden
Timothy Brown
Lynn Brown
Mary Anne Burdic
William & Diane Calhoon
Dr. Janet Calhoon
Debbie Carles
Wayne & Christine Cooper
Barbara Day
Dianne Dean
Gary & Debra Deck
David & Janice Dishong
Judith Dissinger
Carolyn  Emerich
Dean & Barbara Fernsler

Patricia Fetzer

Charles & Margaret Fitzkee

Kathy Flory
Janice & Russell Folk
Steven & Kathryn Foltz

Patricia Fortna
Robert & Sandra Fortna
Suzanne Gates
Rebecca & Greg Gettle
Mary Ginder
Robert L. Grimes
Benjamin & Gloria Groff
Catherine E. Hain
Mary J. Hawk
Judith A. Heagy
Grace Hepford

Ronald & Kathleen Hetrick
Richard & Judith Hiler
Eileen H. Hill
Patricia A. Hoffman
Eleanor Hollowell
Donald & Emma Hoover
Fred & Judith Horowitz

Josette Houri
Sue E. Jordan

Janet Katz
John & Barbara Kopeski

Jean Korten & Carl Moser

Gladys Leach

Mary Leibig

Richard & Maureen Leinweber
Robert & Laura Lemon
Deborah Lutz
Dorothy & George McLain, Jr.
Judy & Ralph Mentzer
Linda & Ron Mentzer
Mareena Lee Meyer

Albert & Grace Miller

Martha M. Miller
Ronald & Barbara Miller

Rachel Mock
Janet Moyer
Thomas J. & Dianne Mozer
James & Susan O’Neil
David & Marcella Orledge
Ruth Ann Pavelik
Clair & Joan Phillippy
David & Elaine Pierce
Albert & Nancy Raho
Ken & Annita Ramsey
Janet Repasch
Erika & James Repetski
Kenneth & Sharon Rohland
Janet L. Roof
Verna & Chester Rose
Patricia Sanders
Tom & Til Sarisky
William Schaeffer
Beverly Schrack
James Schucker
Mary Ann Schwartz& Ray Trone
Kenneth & Karen Sellers
Katherine Seyler
Sharon & David Smith
Bruce & Brenda Snyder

Karen & Doug Souder
Susan Spang
Robert & Carol Stine

Diana Streeper

Julie & Gerald Strickler
Nancy & Roderick Strohl
Diane Swisher
Debby & Greg Tanico

C. Frank Terhune
Joy Thompson
Marie Troutman
Peter & Nancy Uhlig
Lucille M. Vallen
Bruce & Ruth Ann Weaver
Ronald & Anna Wertz
William White
David & Barbara Winters
Priscilla Wolf

Friend ($10 - $29)

Jeffrey & Colette Aurentz
Shirley A. Barlet
Howard & Eileen Bink
Sharon Black
Linda Brandt
John & Phyllis Carter
Joyce & John Ceresini,
Joseph Coddington
Al & Maggie Coke
John Copenhaver
Michael & Susan DeLong
Anna DiJohnson
Lynn Duffy
Patricia Eagen
Donna Eberly

Judith & Charles Ehninger
Roberta Ewing
Lynn Fackler
Catherine M. Farr
Sara Fuller
Patricia & Hans Gartner
David & Mary Kay Greeley
June Grimes
Mamie Haldeman
Linda & Bob Hartman

Becky Hassler
James & Susan Hess
Angela Juckem
Winnie Kane
Fay Keller

Rev. David & Delores Kistler
Ruth Krebs

Pamela T. Leahey

Jack & Marilyn Leiby

Nancy Light
Joan Lightner
Jim & Doris Lineweaver
Donna Lutz
Cheryl Mack
Patrick McCaffery
Wayne & Eileen McIntyre
Carol Meyer
Nancy Miller

Janet Mills
Karen Mitchell
Joanne & Lester Noll
Carol Northey
Thomas & Phyllis Reilly
Dorene R. Reitz
Donna Salerno
Sharon K. Sanders
Sally Ann & Robert Schaeffer
Elizabeth Schnoke
Jennifer & Bruce Shay
Greg Strohman
Ray Trone
Mary Umlauf
Charlotte Varone
Rudy & Annelies Visser
Pauline & Edward Wentzel
Rosemary Wyzykowski
Darrah L. Youtz
Janet Zahn

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